Sunday, February 28, 2010

What role have goals played in your life?

I think that you can do nothing if you have no goal in your life. It is important for me to have goals, objectives; they enable me to go ahead. 
There are many ways to reach one goal. But if you decide to do well, you do not have that many options. My main goal is to act fairly and honestly. Therefore, all the objectives I have in my life will have to be fulfilled in fair and honest ways.

This main goal helps me to reach the smaller ones. I know what to do. 
For instance, before entering a business school in France, I did two years of preparatory school, which is very hard, because you hv-ave to study a lot. But I wanted to do that, and to succeed, because my goal was to pass the final exams, and I did not want to fail. I wanted to be fair with myself, not to be disappointed by myself. That's why I worked hard, and I succeeded in my exams. 

This goal I had to manage my studies helped me to work hard without losing hope. Though it was often difficult, I kept tis idea in my mind. The main point when you decide something is not to forge it. It helps you to go ahead.

1 comment:

  1. This post has made me think about my goals in life and how those affect the way that I live my life. I would have to say that personally, I believe that my goals has helped me become a better person. My goal in life is to become successful in whatever career I choose to do. This goal has helped me because it has taught me to become responsible, more mature, and more diligent. The more I try to pursue my dreams, the more I am learning to become, what I believe, is a better person as well.
